At Express Yourself, NC, we specialize in communicating with children with social language differences and their families and teachers. Social language is the language we use to communicate and engage with others around us. Children use social language when engaged in play, to establish friendships, and to regulate their emotions.

We understand that different brain types interact and communicate differently. This means that social language, emotional regulation, and play look different for different people. There’s nothing more frustrating than having someone not understand ‘why’ you’re doing something and yet trying to change your actions to the ‘right way’. We recognize and respect the validity of these differences - there is no expectation for everyone to communicate and engage in one way.

Our services focus on increasing understanding on all levels. This includes helping children understand the social world they’re experiencing and helping others understand how different brains work and process information.

Office hours

Monday - Friday 9AM - 5PM

919-336-4515 (fax)

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What is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity recognizes that neurological differences - different ways of viewing and processing the world - are expected and the result of natural variation. Differences that occur due to being neurodivergent are celebrated and respected instead of stigmatized and changed. These differences can include those with a diagnosis of Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Developmental Language Disorder, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Tourette Syndrome and more.


Our Services


When caregivers first realize their child might interact and think different from other children, the assumption is usually that it’s up to the child to learn to think and act like everyone else - but not here! Since we respect and value neurodiversity, it is just as important for caregivers and family members to spend time understanding how their child interacts with and processes the world. We offer a range of services so your family can choose what works best for you and your needs.

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Individual Speech-Language Therapy

Child-focused, respectful, and empowering speech-language therapy services are available for children who qualify.

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Family consultations

Whether you’re interesting in increasing your own family’s understanding of your child or looking for suggestions and strategies to use at different parts of your day, family consultations are perfect for addressing your unique needs.

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teacher Trainings

Get the whole team on board! We offer trainings for teachers and other professionals to support the community in embracing neurodiversity and better understanding the children they serve.